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It is not with words

It is not with words

When we’re apart
It is not with words
That I conjure up the velvet
Strength of your heart beat
Nor gently trace the length of your sweet reach.

No words available to be repeated
That bring your scent to mind or
To teach me of the fragrance of your soul.

Every worn out word is quickly left behind
When I close my eyes to feel you fingers’ touch

No such words exist
To trigger all the images of bliss
That roam unchecked within the silence of
This pensive solitude.
Even my best phrases all elude the smallest
Meaning in the gazes
That you paint me so with love.

It is not with words
That I am daily shoved past the edge of
All the world I thought I knew
To rise on eagles’ wings and fly back to
The Garden where we walk as One.

It is only when I have finally done
All these other things
That I can play with words and write
These silly songs I find to sing
To you.

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