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I have only started

I Have Only Started

I have just said sacred secret words
To you
While silently no sound was ever heard
Save the stroking of my pen upon your soul.

I have just painted sacred scenes in hues
Of passion quickened by a vision blurred
With love,
The strokes of sable bristled brush
Swathed colors bolder
Than I ever dreamed
Could be canvassed in this golden
Frame we share.

I have just debuted a symphony
With wand of velvet dancing in mid-air.
A sacred song was born within your throat.
A multitude of notes
Floated in crescendo
Played by this wondrous
New born pair
Of hearts.

I have only started
With such sacred secret speech.

I have only started with sweet scenes whose
passion reaches
Past your wildest dreams.

I have only started
With the schemes
Of wanding songs upon your lovely heart.

I have only started
Orchestrating sounds from pure moonbeams.

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